Saturday, September 1, 2012

Easy Airplane Art for Little Boys Room

My little guy's room was feeling bare with a big wall of nothingness next to his bed. Like most of my design dilemmas I start by asking myself "what can I buy to fill this space?".  I don't know why it takes me so long to start thinking "what can I MAKE to fill this space?". Once I was in the "making" mindset it didn't take long for me to come up with this

All three canvases were completed start to finish in less than a day and cost next to nothing to make!

First I looked online for airplane silhouettes (although you could do anything, trucks, robots, etc.). when I decided on three I liked I enlarged them to the size I wanted (it doesn't matter if they are blurry or pixelated) and printed them.

The pictures I chose were fairly intricate so scissors would not have worked. Luckily I got a nice set of
 X-acto knives and a cutting mat for mother's day that I love to use any chance I get!

I painted a couple coats of white in the area I was planning on putting the plane then left the canvases to dry. Next, I set the silhouette cutout on the canvas and went over it again with the white paint. This ensures that the colored paint won't bleed underneath the paper stencil. When that was dry I just painted over the entire canvas, one blue, one grey, and one red (2 or 3 coats depending on the paint color).

As soon as I finished the last coat of paint I peeled off the paper airplane stencils. It was a little hard to get off in places and I had to use a knife to cut or scrape it from the canvas.

And that's it! Wasn't it easy? I think I'll try to get white frames for them eventually but I'm not in any rush. I think they look pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

-Chloe If you like my style be sure to check out my etsy shop for handmade decor!


  1. This is an awesome idea for people like me who don't have a silhouette cameo or anything fancy like that!!!;) LoVE IT!!!!!

  2. Exactly! a Silhouette or Cameo sounds cool but it seems like it would take a lot of the "creating" part out of what I do.

  3. A really good place to find canvases for a great price is Walmart. They will be in the craft/paint section. The size selection is limited (the biggest size is not terribly big) but it has worked well for me!

  4. What type of paint?

    1. I used acrylic paint, you can find it at any craft store. It's cheap, easy to work with and dries fast!
